JUNE 21, 2008

Today marks the one hundred and twenty second year of my Grandfather Jack Spooner's birth on June 21, 1886. For the past year or so with the aid of Google's digitizing the printed works of the world, I have found and been collecting when I can, a nice little library of books in which he is mentioned here and there. The bulk of them seen to be written in the 1940's and I'm sure he himself was not even aware of some of the things written about him in his lifetime. He passed away the first week of September 1963, as I entered my last year of High School at William Floyd. He was living with us for his last 5 years and I regret not sitting with him and taking down his life story when I could of. An ever growing collection of books written from the 1940's - 2000 now sits in our dining room with much of his memorabilia from his days at the Tavern on Broadway and the reknowned Stork Club in NYC. Here are some snippets from some of them.

Here's one published in 1955 which is the last year Gramps worked full time at the Stork Club. I don't ever recall seeing this book at his home in Queens NY or at our house. I do recall watching the Untouchables on TV at our house in 1959, sometimes with Grandpa. Winchell was the narrator of that program and about the most I remember Gramp's saying when he heard Winchell's very distinctive voice was that "Walter was quite a talker.... the whole world used to listen to what he had to say." Of course I was more interested then in watching Elliot Ness and his crew drive through the doors of another one of Al Capone's breweries with their big Mack truck with the specially built battering ram on the front.

From the introduction :

It was eight thirty on a hot July evening in 1945. High officials of the United States , Great Britain and Russia were scheduled to meet there days later at Potsdam to decide the terms under which the Allied nations would accept the surrender of Japan. A streamlined train, especially equipped and carrying many members of the American delegation was heading towards a seaport on the Atlantic coast. The atmosphere aboard the train crackled with excitement. Japan was slowly but surely crumbling. The decisions at Potsdam could mean either a long -drawn out war or quick capitulation by the enemy. Clever diplomacy by Allied statesmen could precipitate the immediate surrender of Japan. Suddenly interrupting an animated conversation he was having with his advisers, the President of the United States, turned to his aide and said. "You will recall that I asked for a 15 minute recess this evening at nine o'clock."

"Yes, Mr. President I have arranged your program accordingly."

At two minutes before nine,the conference came to a close. The Chief Executive again turned to his aide and said, "Please tune in the program on the American Broadcasting Company." The aide pushed a button and the precise, measured voice of the announcer came over the radio. "The Jergens Journal, featuring Walter Winchell......." There was a moment of silence, and then the high pitched, trigger-tempoed voice of the commentator filled the rail road car.........

When I read that Granpa's words came back..... " the whole world used to listen to what Winchell had to say"

From Chapter Two : Portrait Through A Keyhole pages 12, 13 & 14

The same table -No 50- at the entrance to the Cub Room ( in the Stork Club) is always reserved for Winchell. From this vantage point he can always see everyone who enters. He ignores those who do not interest him and invites those with whom he likes to talk to join him. During the course of a typical evening at the Stork it is not unusual for him to have at his table, at one time or another, generals, admirals, important industrialists, labor leaders, stage and screen stars, high government officials, novelists, playwrights and newspapermen...........

.........Winchell's food tastes and habits aren't nearly as simple as his clothes. He eats well and often--on occasion, every two hours--and enjoys his food. Frequently when he eats something that pleases him , he will launch into a lengthy panegyric on "the benefits of good food to the system." He loves ice cream. When in New York, Jack Spooner of the Stork Club is in charge of his diet --- though the reporter is probably unaware of it. Winchell sits down at his table in the Cub Room, studies the menu for a long time and finally decides what he would like to eat. Jack Spooner who has been watching the columnist with the attention a mother pays her newborn infant, walks over to the table as soon as Winchell puts the menu down, listens attentively as he tells him what he wants,and then,in thirty seconds, courteously but firmly completely alters the order.. The headwaiter at the Stork, many of Winchell's associates agree, is the only man who can so quickly and decisively change Winchell's mind. Spooner then goes into the kitchen and personally presides over the preparation of the food, making sure each dish is put together exactly as the reporter likes it.

On the 1940's era Stork Club menu that I have framed in my dining room, two items appear that are Jack Spooner's creations. One is the Spooner Sandwhich ( a fave of Danny Kaye and Dorothy LaMour and the other is Chicken Ala Winchell. Both recipes are in the postcript of the second printing of NY Times reporter Ralph Blumenthal's book " Stork Club " published by Little Brown & Co in 2000. I will post both recipes at the end of this article.

The Stork Club was the mecca for who's who in New York or as Winchell would dub it "New York's , New Yorkiest place " ( He also named the celebrity room my grandfather controlled like St. Peter controls his turf, The Cub Room though no one seems to know why) But before the Stork ....The Place of all places in NYC .... was Billy LaHiff's Tavern on 48th street just off Broadway. Billy & Gramps went all the way back to their days together at the Waldorf in the early 1900's when Bill tended the bar and Gramps took care of the tables.. Gramps would stay with LaHiff (Broadway's Favorite Son) from the day he opened his joint during prohibition till the day he died in the mid 1930's. He was a pallbearer and Gramps would even return to 48th Street leaving the Stork for a spell to try and resecuitate The Tavern for a time in the late 1930's . This next short excerpt is from a book titled " A Corner Of Chicago " by veteran newspaperman Robert Hardy Andrews published in 1963 of all years, by Little Brown. Though there is more about Billy LaHiff here than of Gramps. I would also learn a little more about Gramp's hey days at Broadway's Camelot by learning about some of his closest friends

From page 299 where Andrews speaks of his first sojourn into in NYC and into The Tavern:

I went wandering around Manhattan and dined at Billy LaHiff's Tavern on Forty Eighth Street off Times Square, where I was introduced to Jimmy Cannon then writing a radio column for the New York World Telegram. They had never heard of me at the more literary Algonquian, but Broadway was all ears about Chicago radio and The Tavern was Broadway's camelot and Billy LaHiff was it's King Arthur. Proof of this was in Billy's hamburger sized solid gold cigarette case, presented to him one Christmas by Tavern regulars, set with precious stones that spelled out MAYOR OF TIMES SQUARE. He went to great lengths in a continuing effort to loose this Neon lighted talisman, but someone always found it and brought it back, expecting and collecting a reward. Billy brought up a beautiful niece , Nancy Carroll, who starred on the stage and in films; he gave selfless avuncular aid and counsel to ambitious young women. Including Ruby Stevens, whose name in lights would be Barbara Stanwyck. (Barbara was still in my grandfather's 1950's personal telephone book btw)

In fact a hundred actresses, actors, singers, dancers,columnists, best selling authors, prizefighters, politicians and other prominent personages owed thanks for a helping hand to the compact, immaculate, wise, kindly former bartender whose Tavern died when he was carried out through the doorway in 1935, refusing to lie down on his stretcher, smiling while he hummed "I'm Heading For The Last Round Up"

Gene Fowler called LaHiff " A fine man, a quiet man, a friend of all young scribes." He called LaHiff's booming bouncer Toots Shor the Night Blooming Cereus of the Bar-Nothing Ranch. At LaHiff's, it seemed to the country boy from Chicago, everyone had colorful charm. Suddenly I was back in business of learning stories, not manufacturing them. Every evening I learned at precis ley 8:05. a certain mounted policeman's horse, on traffic duty at the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue, walked off post and down to the Tavern and planted it's forefeet on the curb and waited for Billy LaHiff to come out, as he did invariably, bearing a silver tray on which there were eight cubes of sugar; the days payoff to his friend, the horse. But he never paid bribes to any Prohibition agents, though his bar was always open.

At nine everynight Billy went for a walk, never farther than six blocks away, to whatever movie house wasn't showing a movie he hadn't already slept through. In the back row he dozed peacefully till the movie was over. Then he walked quickly back to the Tavern, to greet first comers in the after theatre rush, and was on the move from table to table until closing time at 2 AM. Thus it was they told me, that one night Billy saw a lone woman at a table far back in the place after everyone else was gone. He went to her, suggesting she better leave so he could turn out the lights. She said she had no money to pay for the meal she had eaten, her first in three days. Her husband had deserted her. She had no one to turn to for help. She stood up and he saw that she was pregnant."Yes," she said, "My baby will born in the next few hours." Then she fainted. Billy caught her as she fell.

At three in the morning, at four and at five, telephones rang in bedrooms up and down Manhattan. Billy told regulars who answered sleepily, "You just joined the Broadway Baby Club" The chief surgeon at French Hospital presided at the accouchement. Wives of a dozen noted husbands provided baby clothes and other needfuls. A cottage was reserved at the Police Summer Camp on the Hudson. The Broadway Baby began life with a bank account. The mother was given funds, a wardrobe, a job. But when she appeared at the Tavern one night to thank LaHiff, he hid in the kitchen until she gave up and went away. It made LaHiff ill to have anyone tell him "Thank You."

Jack Spooner warned me about this, and when Spooner gave warning, you harkened. He was "THE WAITER" in capitals, because if you rated one of his tables, you were in like Flynn. Spooner wore his Marine's buttons on his waiters jacket and he had a Master Sergeant's firmness in maintaining discipline among the customers. If you started to scan the menu, which never changed, he took it from you, tore it in two, and ordered what the chef had too much of; and if you wanted to get into the Tavern again, you ate it and liked it. Spooner kept a remarkable autograph album. It was a directory of who' who in the arts, sports, show business and politics, Spooner watched LaHiff, while I explained that I worked at the Daily News in Chicago and Jimmy Cannon said it was my first night out in New York. Lahiff crossed his fingers. I didn't know till hours later that this meant it was on the house. In fact it meant more than that.........That was the Tavern .... there was nothing like it in Chicago

Andrews continues on with stories about the characters he would meet there that night....folks like Ed Sullivan , Winchell, Harpo, Zeppo, Chico and Groucho Marx , and the two other non related Marx Brothers David & Louis of the Marx Toy Company fame ( and my Mom's bosses), future Wizard of Oz lion & tin man Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, and dozens more.

Author Gene Fowler (1890-1960) is mentioned several times in Andrews chapter on the Tavern and in books by Quentin Reynolds. Fowler mentions Gramps in his book "Beau James" the Life and Times Of Jimmy Walker published in 1949 by Viking and which was made into a film starring Bob Hope . Incidentally his son Gene Jr (1917- 1998) was the film editor on my all time favorite movie "Its A Mad Mad Mad Mad World" I would of have loved to met both of them.

From Chapter Seven

There Was A Tavern In Our Town

.... In other years when the world was a cream puff and the reporters lived on the hourly excitements of the nineteen-twenties, you and I would of met at Billy LaHiff's Tavern on West Forty Eight Street.Quite understandably you would not of paid close attention to me in those days - nor today for that matter - since I spent much of my time in the basement kitchen trying to write a novel on a table next to the meat block. Jack Spooner, the big blonde captain of the waiters, and former member of the historic flying wedge at Jack Dunston's all night cafe, saw to it that I had an occasional drink "on the house" Prohibition laws not withstanding, for the sake of modern letters.

Quentin Reynolds 1902-1965 who just so happened to be a writer for Collier's Magazine ( there always seems to be a Knapp connection someplace ) included musings about Gramps in several of his books " Convoy ", "Don't Think It Hasn't Been Fun " both from 1940's and in what may of been his last book 1963's "by Quentin Reynolds" In Convoy he reminisces about two boxers from the 1920's Mickey Walker and Harry Greb, who happened to have had a chance meeting after their bout that night at the Polo Grounds. A total slugfest fight that Greb won in a decision.

Chapter 8 Seventh Day Out on pgs 137-38

..... So Walker hurried over to the Tavern and as he went in, he saw Greb sitting near the door. He had to pass Greb's table to get to Kearns (his manager) whom he saw far in the back with a girl Mike had a date with. Billy LaHiff - bless his memory - stood there and he was a bit nervous. He knew Mike and he knew Greb and he knew they both would rather fight than eat. Walker looked at Greb, then Greb looked back at Walker and then Greb got up and smiled. " Sit down and have a drink Mike ," he said, sticking out his hand.

Walker grinned through his swollen lips. "Sure Harry I'd love one. I've been working all night and need a drink." "You don't need one more than I do, " Greb laughed. "Toughest night I ever spent in my life."

So he sat down and had a drink and they talked about everything but the fight. They talked about this movie or that, they talked about the stock market and about how much longer Babe Ruth could last.

Jack Spooner, now the dignified maitre D of the Cub Room at the Stork Club was a waiter at the Tavern then. He was a waiter at the Tavern so long that he belonged there, like a table or a checkroom. He brought two more and Greb and Walker, who an hour before had been doing everything to each other but murder, sipped their ale compainably.........


and speaking of drinks in the Stork Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe (1902- 1966) first printed in the 1940's and back in print by New Day since 2003

on page 75 you will learn the basics for a Scotch & Soda known as the "Spooner Splash" aka "Bolger Over" a drink favored by Ray Bolger and made even more memorable by great hoofer and Scarecrow from the Wizard Of Oz's explicit instructions that does not specify any particular brand of Scotch but is now impossible to duplicate.

2 oz of Scotch whiskey

2 oz of club soda

1 inch of Jack Spooner's thumb

"The virtue of the drink which must be served by Jack Spooner in person, lies in the flavor derived from his thumb in the glass, giving it a peculiar piquancy not available anywhere else."

I also get a real kick out of this blurb on the back of the dust jacket

A wag once remarked that the three most important phenomena of the contemporary New York Scene were Mrs. Vanderbilt, the Stork Club and Lucius Beebe


My favorite story so far though is the rather lengthy one in Merle Allen's Welcome To The Stork Club published in 1980 by A. S. Barnes & Co. Allen (1926-2005) who was the Stork Club's last matrie D from 1959 - 1965 interweaves the story about the arrival of General Douglas MacArthur for a luncheon being held in his honor in the early 1950's with several other zany events that were also going on that day and from the night before. This was at a time that Gramps was only working at the Stork part time because of his health ( he was at the start of Parkinson's disease but the doctors did not have it diagnosed yet) The characters involved are Sherman Billingsley ( the Stork's colorful owner aka Mr. B) Allen (who was a head bartender then) aka "Chickasha" "Beautiful Mary" the club photographer and assistant to Billingsley and two old war- horses General Douglas MacArthur and the Old Marine..... Jack Spooner

It starts on page 125 in Chapter 11.

I don't know how Mr. B got Annie's (Allen's girlfriend) telephone number or even knew her last name , but at 10:15 in the morning the day after St. Patrick's Day, her phone rang and it was him.

"I want to speak to Chickasha," he told Annie.

"Oh, just a minute I'll see if he's here. Who should I say is calling? "


"Oh, she said , "hold on"

I was half asleep when Annie bounced onto the bed, pulling my arms. "wake up it's Billingsley"

"the Boss?"

"He said it was Billingsley"

"He doesn't have your number."

" He does now! Hurry Up"

I picked up the phone . "hello"



"did you have a peaceful night's --uh rest"

"Yes fine thank you."

"Chickasha, I would like you to come in as soon as you can. We have a luncheon party for some government people. General MacArthur will be here, and I think you should learn who these people are. Get here right away." (Billingsley was grooming Allen to someday be his main assistant and take charge of the club)

He hung up before I had a chance to answer or refuse, and I complained to Annie that I didn't think I would like being an executive if I was expected to be on call all the time.............Annie's last words to me as I walked out the door were "Goodby lover prince , don't keep the King waiting

-............... When I walked in the club it was 11 O'Clock. Beautiful Mary was the only person in the lobby. She was sitting on a stool in the corner combing her hair. One entire wall of the lobby was mirrored, making it easy for persons entering the club to get a good look at themselves and make whatever adjustments they needed. It was a good place for Mary to comb her hair and eyebrows - which she did constantly.

While working Mary carried a large black cloth bag with a shoulder strap. Inside were her camera supplies, writing pads, pens, pencils and always - the comb. If there were no guests around, Mary invariably took the opportunity to stop and run a comb through her hair, and always finished this ritual by looking directly in the mirror and running the comb upwards through her eyebrows. This part really fascinated me. I had never seen anyone comb their eyebrows before.

Mr. B was also a constant mirror-gazer and hair fixer, He only had a few strands across the top of his head, but would frequently stop in front of the mirror, tilt his head down and to the side, and with his left hand in his trousers pocket, use his right to pat and rub his head.

Mary had finished with her hair and was starting on her eyebrows when Mr. B walked up behind me, stood for a moment without saying anything, and seeing Mary's ministrations, immeadiatly joined her in patting and rubbing. Whenever Mary or Mr. B were doing their hair thing , no one bothered to speak to them until they were finished because they were too engrossed to answer.,,,,,, He was the first to finish and speak.

"Mary, how many people will be here for the party?"

"They said seventy five, Mr. B." She gave a last glance at her hair and then turned to him.

"Are we all ready for them?"

"Well I am she said , "and the room looks fine."

"How about you Chickasha the bar all set up?"

"The bar boy just went up on the elevator with the liquor, " I said, " I set it all up last night so there isn't much to do."

"Which bartender are you using? "

"The new one from California."

"Shit! He's no good. See if you can get Al Coleman to come in."

Mary suggested I help the new man because the guests would start arriving in less than an hour and even if we called Al, he wouldn't be able to get here in time .

Mr, B tentavily agreed, Striking a reflective pose with chin and mouth tensed and extended upward , he said,"You win. How about waiters and captains/"

Mary answered, "We have enough waiters and busboys and Spooner is coming in."

"Jesus Christ, I might of known that old bastard would be here!" he acted like he didn't know whether to smile or frown. Spooner the most popular captain had been with Mr. B for many years. He was an elderly man and didn't work steadily now, only on special occasions, when his health permitted. He was a fine looking man with snow white hair, a crafty wit, and a neat demeanor; he was always impeccably dressed. He had a special way with people and treated the more celebrated guests familiarly, often giving them nick names. I once heard him call Admiral Halsey "Old Salt"

Mr. B seemed to have mixed feelings about the familiarity between his employees and guests. First of all he was jealous if his employees were too popular, but he was a shrewd businessman and realized it was good for business when guests felt comfortable. Nothing could make a guest feel more comfortable in a restaurant or anywhere, I suppose than being recognized and known by name.

Spooner knew all the celebrities and was always immediately familiar with them, without being offensive. Sometimes Mr. B frowned when he looked at Spooner and would grumble when the captain spoke, but he did not bother the man. ( I spoke with photographer Henny Rasch several years ago, she was a staff photographer in the 1940's at the Stork before Beautiful Mary Gillen, Henny told me Billinglsey was not only jealous of my grandfather's popularity, he was genuinly afraid of ticking off the "Old Marine" )

"Listen Mary tell Spooner to stay by the door and greet people as they come in and not to be running around inside to the tables. He's gotten so damn old he's getting a little looney. " I think we could of handled this without him."

"And I think he probably knew about this party before we did, Mr. B, " she said

"Yeah, that old son of a bitch won't ever give up."

""yes," said Mary, "but I think it does him a lot of good to come down here when he feels up to it, Mr. B."

"Well tell him I said he should leave as soon as he greets all the guests, and make sure you let me know when General MacArthur get here. I'm going upstairs and rest for a few minutes."

The story then switches gears to a humorous and complex coat mix up from the night before between Randolph Churchill and Charley Connery the NY Giant's quarterback and a whole lot more about Beautiful Mary and some telephone conversations with Allen trying to solve the problem.......

....... The complexity of the coat mixup was not a comfortable situation and I decided to seek out Mary and dump the problem in her lap. I was thinking about it , my head down as I rounded the corner toward the elevator. When I looked up I was startled to see beside me a tall austere classical looking man in an Army dress uniform, with many stars, braids, and medals. He looked straight ahead , his head tilted upward, as if he already were at the party on the second floor, while his feet were still on the first floor in front of the elevator, next to mine. I hadn't rehearsed and hardly knew what to say. It never occured to me that I would be the first to greet General MacArthur, so I said the first thing that came to me: "Good afternoon, sir."

He nodded.

"We are all glad you made it back --- you have returned. Ha1 Ha! ...ha!

At least thirty seconds of silence followed. Then he spoke without turning: "Back?"

I could only say, "uh -huh."

"Young man, this is the first and only time I have ever been here."

I said "Uh -huh," again.

He took a small piece of paper from his pocket, studied it a moment and said, "I am to go to the second floor to--" When I interrupted him he squinted at me.

"Yes sir to the second floor. The elevator should be down in a moment. Mr. Billingsley has been looking forward to seeing you."

"Who, has."

Mr. Billingsley, sir."

"I think we are talking about different parties."

"No, Mr. Billingsley is the owner, sir."

"What owner?"

"The owner of the Stork Club, sir"

"Hmmm interesting, slow elevator he has."

"He is a great admirer of yours sir. Many times I have heard say you would make a great president."

"What's his name again? Billingsley?"

"Yes, sir."

"Oh yes, I believe I have read about him in the Winchell columns. Remarkable man."

"He will be proud to hear you said that, sir." As usual George the elevator operator was dividing his time between the men's room and the elevator. In rushing to get off the elevator and check the men's room, he yanked open the door and bumped into the General. I apologized for George. "I'm sorry for all this inconvenience sir, that wasn't our regular operator, only the man that hands out towels in the men's room. Our regular operator is out to lunch. I'm sure if he were here you wouldn't of had all this long wait and hectic activity. Please step inside and I'll take you up myself.

With both of us inside the elevator I closed the door and pushed the brass handle to the right, but nothing happened. I pushed it to the left and still nothing happened. I began to get very nervous as I pushed it back and forth and still nothing happened." I'm very sorry sir, I said as I stood flipping switches on the panel, "there must be something wrong with the mechanism."

"Undoubtably, is there a stairway?"

"Oh , that would be terrible sir, a great inconvenience to you." My right hand was still on the lever as I reached for the door, when the elevator started to go up, I was relieved but was perspiring and nervous when I made a jerky stop on the second floor."

"Nice landing," he said "where are you from , son?"

"Oklahoma, sir"

"I'm from Arkansas," he said , extending his hand to me.

Several people rushed up to greet him as he left the elevator. Seeing me, Mary quickly came over and said, " Where is the operator?"

"It's George, he's in the mens room."

"That's dumb, tell him to stay on this elevator until all people from the party are here."

"I had a little problem with the switches Mary, and I really shook the General up. Bataan couldn't of been much worse."

"Just DON'T TELL Mr. B about it, but call him when you get downstairs and tell him MacArthur is here." She started to walk away and I remembered "Oh Mary , I have to tell you about the overcoat thing."

"Tell me later, just go downstairs and call Mr. B!"

When I landed on the first floor, George and Captain Spooner were waiting for me. George stumbled nervously into the elevator and Captain Spooner said. "What the hell are you doing running the elevator? you haven't been working here long enough to know how to run the men's room much less the elevator!" he laughed ,

"Well it sure was a rough ride for the General, I said , "there were times I didn't think we were going to make it."

"Was he smoking his corn cob pipe?"

"I didn't see it."

"I'll just have to go upstairs and check it out. see you later, Chickasha."

Allen then phoned Mr. B and told him the General had arrived and that Spooner was upstairs with him....a whole lot of cursing was heard on the other end of the line.


My Hats Off To You Sherm ! ..... Me & Sherm At NY Historical Society in 2000 for their Stork Club Exhibit

In This Book Earl Wison Tells Story About Actress Betty Hutton Who Starred In The Movie

The Stork Club & Jack Spooner Is In It Too

This one has more tales from the Tavern


The Spooner Steak Sandwich

Spooner Steak Sauce

Saute 1/2 cup of finely chopped onions in 1/8 lb of butter

Add 1 bottle of A-1 Steak Sauce

Add 1 pint of heavy cream

Add 1 tsp. of English mustard


Add 1/4 cup of chopped chives

Add 1 tsp of Oregano

Bring ingredients to a boil , simmer 5 minutes

Add juice of 1 lemon and few drops of Tabasco


thinly pounded slices of steak

lightly toasted slices of white bread

thinly sliced onion

thinly sliced tomato

pickle relish

The secret to success is to keep everything thinly sliced and flattened

Quickly saute' meat and place on top of bread. Top with onion, tomato and relish, cut into quarters and serve with

Spooner Steak Sauce

PS: Spooner Sauce goes great with shrimp too

Chicken Ala Winchell

(there is no chicken in it)

Alternate slices of roast turkey and baked ham on a broiler pan Top with broccoli. Spoon sauce over meat and broil


Melt 1 1/2 tbsps of butter in saucepan

Stir in 11/2 tbsps of flour

Heat and gradually add 1 1/2 cups of light cream combined with 1/2 cup of milk. Stir over low heat till mixture thickens

Simmer 5 minutes

Stir some of the mixture into two beaten egg yolks

Return egg mixture to saucepan and heat a few minutes longer

Stir in 1 tbsp of Hollandaise sauce (homemade or bottled)

1 1/2 tbs. of prepared mustard, 1/2 tsp of salt, dash of pepper 2 tbsps of heavy whipping cream


Hey Mr. B. How About A Little Traveling Music ? It's As Quiet As A Library In Here


Jack Spooner Still Keeping An Eye On Things June 22, 2008

Photos FromThe Cub Room

The Stork Club

Jack Spooner NY City's Most Famous Waiter

September 1963

Inside The Tavern 1932

A Little Spooner Joke From Bennett Cerf

Look Who Dropped In At The Stork

Murder In The Stork Club