She didn't use a club but she did use a yardstick and a lot of SCREAMING. You could hear Miss ? Mrs.? Hallock all over the Annex. She was not the most kid friendly teacher to say the least
Lot of blanks and ???? here if you recognise someone or yourself get in touch
Front row: Larry Collins, Bert Garcia, Joe Abruntilla, ______ Harold Thompson (who gave me the photo) John Rutigliano.
Secomd row: Mary Leskowitz?, ______, ________, ________, _________, Gertrude Bortcheller, Carol Bellville?, Regina Kish, _______
Third row: ______, _______, _______, Betsey Jensen, _______,_______, Barbara Apostulou?, Millie Bonnano,
Back Row: John Rodriguez. Richard Hunold, Gene Vassil, Jim Manzanillo?, Dennis Lasko, Jimmy O'Donnel,
George Tydeman,_______, _______, Gary Kubala, ________
........ And Speaking Of Mrs. Hallock
Several "kids" have written in over the years about their "experiences" with Mrs. H. This recent one comes from Verna Manghes (Now Verna Vogel) of the first class to ever graduate from the Floyd High School in 1960
I remember in third grade at the Moriches School, Mrs. Hallock HITTING me with the ruler on my hand because I was “talking”. I NEVER WENT HOME AND TOLD MY PARENTS EITHER!
Verna who lived on the corner Magnolia Dr. & Neighborhood Rd. has contributed photos Located Here before of life in the area
back in the '50's: Verna also writes that :
........ I keep checking your web-site and I am always amazed at all the different web-sits you have. Thank you.....please know I truly appreciate all that you have done. Here is my 2009-2010 staff picture at Everett High School, in Everett, Washington. I have been with the District for 30 years. I love working with high school age students. I look back and I am amazed and sometimes in disbelief on how things have changed in the school systems over the years. I have worked school districts in New York and California, and add the years in Washington and it comes to approximately 44 years working with students. Most of the years have been working at the high school level, but I have worked elementary and middle schools and even at the Correctional Center for Youths. Retirement is not in my future.
She also tells me there are some plans being discussed for a possible 50th Reunion of the WFHS Class of 1960 If and when I hear something definite you can be sure it will get posted on this web site..