This photo has been on the site since the beginning, but somewhere down the line it slipped through the cracks. Although I have heard from many folks who remember Poje's this way as a Soda Fountain and teen hangout , there are an equal amount who don't really know the history of the place.
As for how the 1929 Chrysler roadster got up on the roof for over a quarter of century turning Poje's into a landmark , it was a joint effort in the '40's of Frank Poje, Bill Parr who ran Parr Brothers Shell across the street. They lightened it up by removing the engine and fenders. Then set up some planks and pulled it up with the Parr Brothers wrecker. There it stayed until the mid 1960's when badly deterioated, it was taken down for safety reasons. Poje towed it up to the end of Broadway and dumped the Chrysler in the woods where the Sunrise Highway passes by today. Some friends of mine looked for traces of it over 12 years ago but came up empty.
Mastic Beach Pioneer, Major Knappster, Frequent Pictorial Contributor And All Around "GOOD BOY", Charlie Tzoucalis sent me this pic of his Dad George's 1928 Chrysler with his big brother Mickey standing guard by it in 1934. If you haven't seen some of the Tzoucalis photos or read the stories check both the Spotlight Archives and Main Website. They were one of the first families in Mastic Beach at Camp Crumbun and all his Dad's MOPARS were very cool.